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Download VW Beetle & Karmann Ghia 1954 through 1979 All Models by Freud, Stubblefield PDF

By Freud, Stubblefield

Haynes disassembles each topic automobile and records each step with thorough directions and transparent pictures. Haynes fix manuals are utilized by the professionals, yet written for the do-it-yourselfer.

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Example text

Warning: Do not, under any circumstances, try to reperr a fuel tank (except rubber components). A weldrng torch or any open flame can easily cause fuel vapors jnstde the tank to explode. 6 Carefully check all rubber hoses and metat lines connected to the fuel tank. Check for loose connections, deteriorated hoses, cr~mpedlhnes and other damage. Be especially thorough when inspecting the l~neson fuel ~njectedmodels. Repair or replace damaged sect~onsas necessary. 8 The hous~ngis held together with clips and viscosity of motor 011that rs recommended in this Chapter's Speclficat~ons.

If it is dirty, replace rt. If ~t1s only slrghtly dusty, ~tcan be reused by blow~ngit clean from the back to the front surface with cornpressed alr Warning: Wear eye pmtectron. If it cannot be cleaned satisfactorily w ~ t hcompressed air, d~scardand replace ~ t Caution: . Never dnve the vehicle wtth the air cleaner removed. hcessrve engine wear could result and backfiring could even cause a frre under the hood. 10 Installation IS the reverse of removal. 5 1 Remove the air cleaner as descr~bedIn Chapter 4.

If it's or covered with corroslon, remove ft and clean it tn the same solution of warm water and baking soda. Inspect the brackets which support the carrler to make sure that they are not covered w ~ t hcorroslon. If they are, wash them off. If corroslon IS extenswe, sand the brackets down to bare metal and spray them with a zrnc-based prlrner (available in spray cans at auto paint and h d y supply stores). 9 Reinstall the battery carrier and the bat e ~Make . sure that no parts or w~resare laying on the carrier during Installation of the batterj.

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