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By Harold Bloom

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Extra info for Khaled Hosseini's The Kite Runner (Bloom's Guides)

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In contrast to the daring openness in this novel, the author satirizes the pretension of his culture, which is best portrayed by the general who is now working in the flea market in Fremont. He is the prototype of superficial arrogance. He will not stoop down to do any kind of labor because it is below his dignity. His habits and behavior are crafted into an art form, in order to make a good impression on people. The general “laughed like a man used to attending formal parties where he’d laugh on cue at the minor jokes of important people” (121).

They meet with a man, Raymond Andrews, whom Amir dislikes from the start. After Andrews listens to Amir, he tells him he should give up on trying to adopt the boy, that it will be nearly impossible since by law it has to be proved that the boy is an orphan. When Amir goes to leave, he asks the man if he has any children and gets no response. Andrews asks if Amir has promised the boy he will take him and warns Amir that it is dangerous to make promises to children. Still, recognizing that Amir is truly determined, Andrews gives him the name of an experienced immigration lawyer, Omar Faisal.

Indd 40 10/24/08 11:15:38 AM the West they call such activity ethnic cleansing, Assef actually finds the phrase appealing. Assef says Amir can have Sohrab but that first they have some old business to address. He tells his guards to stay out of the room, no matter what, and that either he or Amir will walk out of the room alive. Assef takes out his brass knuckles. The narrative then shifts. Amir describes a man in a surgical mask looking over him. We assume this is a glimpse into the near future, or potentially that Amir is imagining having to be operated on because he assumes he will be badly beaten.

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