
Download Cosmic Liturgy: The Universe According to Maximus the by Hans Urs von Balthasar PDF

By Hans Urs von Balthasar

Hans Urs von Balthasar Maximus the Confessor, saint and martyr, is the theologian of synthesis: of Rome and Byzantium, of antiquity and the center a while, reexcavating the nice treasures of Christian culture, which at the moment were buried by means of imperial and ecclesial censure. Von Balthasar was once an expert at the Church Fathers-Irenaeus, Origen, Gregory of Nyssa, Augustine, and peculiarly, Maximus the Confessor. This masterpiece on Maximus broke new floor at that time.This is the 1st English translation of the most recent version of this acclaimed paintings. This booklet provides a strong, appealing, religiously compelling portrait of the idea of an important Christian theologian who may well, for this ebook, have remained simply an vague identify within the handbooks of petrology. right here the heritage of theology has turn into itself a manner of theological mirrored image. "The spirituality of Maximus is pithily summarized in what's the most profound scholarly e-book ever written approximately Maximus, Cosmic Liturgy, via Hans Urs von Balthasar." -Jeroslav Pelikan, writer, Maximus Confessor: chosen Writings

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13; PG 91, S21C. In De Di~inis nominibus 13; PG 4, 40SD-408A. Mystagogia, prooemium; PG 91, 664A. Here, in the end, is the inconceivable fecundity of this divine unity: on the one hand, it is the cause of the unity of all things and of their respective differences; it makes each of them an image of the divine unity and uniqueness; it is the basis ofwhat is most personal and immediate in each of them. On the other hand, this divine unity is, in itself, the overflowing unity and root identity of these individuals, the source of their community and their loving communion.

F. Meyer's image of the fountain: The jet ascends, and falling, fills The marble basin's rounded palm, Then slips away in modest rills, Ruffling a second basin's calm; The second, likewise, must bestow Her riches on a lower breast: So each receives, to overflow And come to rest. 56 58 I. 55 One cann ot deny a genuine int elle ctual relationship between Basil and Pseu do -D io nysius , despite all th e substantial differen ces betw een them. In this one respect C. Pe ra is right in identifying th e Ar eop agit e w ith a m onk of th e Basilian traditi on : Revue des sciences pliilosophiques et theologiques 25 (1936): 5-75.

In July, 645, Maximus' tour de force took place in Carthage: the disputation with Pyrrhus, in which Maximus showed the complete superiority of his theological art. It was not simply a matter of his great vision, standing in the background with unshakeable clarity; it was also the dialectical precision of his argument and his unquestionable mastery of the patristic tradition. In contrast, Pyrrhus appears as an intellectually sorry figure: he has no breadth or background to his vision; he plays his cards mechanically, without strategy or order, and then suddenly and meekly surrenders.

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